Friday, January 8, 2010

Not always so picture perfect...

I'm looking out my window here in the office, watching the the snow fall down as Pawtucket dwellers navigate the street. A mother pushes her baby daughter in a stroller, her three year old son running by her side. A man wearing a double layer of sweatshirts walks by carrying his plastic bags from Family Dollar. His hoods are up as he hunkers down against the cold. I wonder where these passersby are traveling. Is there a warm destination just a few blocks down Broadway?

I watch as white flakes begin to collect on the neighboring rooftops. Sure looks cozy. My eyes wander over to the chimney of one home to look for smoke, perfect addition to the cozy image. I find the chimney smokeless, however. This little flaw in a picture perfect moment stirs me from the daydream. I take a look down at my desk, and dive back into the pile of heating assistance applications. The phone's been ringing off the hook with requests today. When I'm on a call, more messages go to voicemail.

The picture perfect home is not that common these days. The people of Rhode Island are barely living paycheck to paycheck. Empty oil tanks and five day notices are becoming a new reality. Even the folks lucky enough to have a job are barely keeping up with mounting expenses.

We're trying to do what we can here to provide some relief, one person at a time. The bishop's Keep the Heat on Fund helps individuals and families all over the state stay warm during the bitter winter months. Click here to read about how we helped an elderly woman and her disabled son keep oil in their tank this season.